rites of passage guide ⇿ story ⇿ grief ⇿ dreams ⇿ breath

a little about my story…

i have been called to the ever-expanding role of guide and have been a professional nature-based guide for over a decade*.

my work is intimately shaped by my experiences. my wounding + my healing have brought me to this work as i continue to listen for what’s next.

i am passionate about working 1:1 and in group spaces with women and femme folks who find themselves at the tender intersection of old stories needing to be shed and new ones asking to be born. 

my work is highly individualized, trauma-informed, and centers self-generated ceremony + ritual, story, grief work, dreamwork, shadow work, and breathwork as catalysts + mirrors for the alchemy of transformation. i do this work, because i have and am doing this work in my own life and have seen the beauty, authenticity, and wisdom that these practices have brought forth in me and those i have the honor of working with.

i am here because i seek to honor and support your journey of remembering your own belonging and wish to accompany you in becoming more intimate with the precious, unique gifts that you carry in this world.

bring your grief.

bring your love.

this world needs you more than ever.

in solidarity,

kim (she/they)

unceded pueblo + tiwa lands

*I have years of experience, mentorship, and training through various programs, paid work, and independent courses, but wish to specifically name that the largest influence and training that I have received in regards to my work in rites of passage and ceremony comes from the work of Stephen Foster and Meredith Little through the School of Lost Borders in Big Pine, CA. I am deeply grateful for the mentorship that I have received from the guides that I have met there who have dedicated their life to this work.