soul-centered guiding + breathwork.

i’m kim.

i’m a nature-based ceremony and rite of passage guide. i’m a healing practitioner who uses breath as an ally for connecting with our inner wisdom and cutting through the bullshit. i’m a human who finds myself grieving daily for the ways that I see our collective, untended wounding causing generational harm and i believe that tending to these wounds through connection, ceremony, and ritual, is our sacred responsibility as humans.

so that’s why i’m here.

i want to support you as you:

  • re-center, re-align, + establish a core intention for your life that is rooted in authenticity + deep inner knowing

  • release + grieve what is no longer serving + keeping you stuck

  • tend + transform old wounded patterns into generative, life-affirming practices

  • discover + nourish your unique, soulful gifts

  • create unique personal ritual + ceremony to connect +root deeply within yourself and the world

  • build relationship + connection with your dreams as a tool for deeper self-knowing

  • establish powerful relationship with your breath as an ally for healing, creativity, nervous system health, and self-connection

i want to support you to interrupt your own patterns of self-abandonment so that you can step more fully into the most authentic version of you possible. 

this world needs our gifts; so let us tend our wounds in order to offer these gifts fully and not abandon ourselves any longer.

in solidarity + love,

what folks are saying: